Unique Free Demand Service – You can customize the time frame according to your company’s needs. All you need to do is FAX a statement of account, or submit your documents on our “Place a Claim” tab, and we will do the rest.
Immediate Placement – If you decide not to wait one more day, please fax statement of account, or submit your documents on our “Place a Claim” tab, or telephone your claim.
Skip Tracing – Specialists use the latest techniques to investigate skips at a nominal fee
Settlements – In some instances, it may be to your benefit to settle a claim. We will always discuss that alternative with you. We accept no settlement offers or payout proposals without your express authorization.
Attorney/ Legal Services – Bonded attorney service is available when necessary. International legal representation is available through barristers, advocates and solicitors when necessary.
It is our mission to assist our clients in improving their cash flow and minimizing receivable losses. We have the experience and ability to maximize the return of your company's funds through our unique and innovative collection programs. Our Executives are highly motivated and well trained at recovering delinquent accounts. Call us today at (732) 747-9020